TalentEgg Trends

Today’s Talent, Tomorrow’s Leaders

Knowledge Hub For Employers, Career Educators And Coaches

Author: Adriano Rivera (page 8 of 31)

Meet the new office dog

Over the past few months, since moving into our awesome, dog-friendly office, we’ve been egg-cited to have visits from Max and Josie.

Today, we were introduced to Lily.

Lily is Steph’s dog, and she is a very special little creature…. she is hairless!!

Lily’s first day at the office has been fantastic.

She started the day by helping with a crime scene investigation (by barking loudly at any dogs that attempted to walk by us as we waited to get in our office), and even protected us from the UPS man and a bicycle courier, who were visiting with packages for us.

Throughout the day, Lily kept us entertained with her fantastic outfit/costume, and egg-cellent personality:

… and when she wasn’t protecting us from bad guys or entertaining us, Lily rested:

TalentEgg's CYBF photoshoot

There was egg-citement in the office today when CYBF sent a photographer to come and snap some shots of us.

Here are a few candid shots taken by Dan and Cassandra:

A million little dogs = best work break ever

Don’t ask me why, but I hate microwaves. I don’t have one in my apartment, and I never wanted to have one in the TalentEgg office.

However, after many months of BEGGING and PLEADING, I finally gave in and agreed to get a microwave for the team (apparently the world doesn’t revolve around me and my weird aversion to microwaves).

So on Friday afternoon, Cassandra and I headed out on a journey to purchase said microwave. However, before we could go anywhere, Dan flagged us down… He had discovered this:

!!!!! Of course, we promptly alerted the rest of the team and within minutes, all 8 of us were playing with the 10+ tiny dogs outside our office.

Best work break ever.

PS… 39% of our way to Honest Egg’s!

30% of the way to Honest Egg's

Within 5 minutes yesterday, many hours of work from many different people came together to help us get to 30% of our August goal at TalentEgg.

What does that mean? We’re well on our way to our Honest Egg adventure!!

Clearly we are not the first – nor will we be the last – to embark on an Honest Egg’s adventure:


This egg-cites me

Well done team, and thanks for all the support from our TalentEgg fans so far!!!!

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