TalentEgg Trends

Today’s Talent, Tomorrow’s Leaders

Knowledge Hub For Employers, Career Educators And Coaches

Author: Jasmine Williams (page 3 of 10)

Announcing The Finalists For The 2016 TalentEgg National Campus Recruitment Excellence Awards

It’s no secret that hosting the National Campus Recruitment Excellence Awards is one of the highlights of our year here at TalentEgg.

Our panel of top student judges from across Canada have been hard at work, evaluating applications from top campus employers and career centres. And, after much deliberation, we are ready to announce the finalists for the 2016 #TEAwards.

We invite you and your team to join us at this year’s Awards and Conference, where we will be sharing feedback from our student judges, and discussing trends and insights on campus recruitment for the upcoming year. Plus, we have a fantastic lineup of speakers and panelists!

Get egg-cited – here are your 2016 finalists!

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Meet The 2016 TalentEgg Awards Panelists And Speakers

The campus recruitment industry is brimming with egg-ceptional talent!

It’s one of the biggest reasons why we host the TalentEgg National Campus Recruitment Excellence Awards and Conference every year. Not only do we get to recognize these highly skilled individuals and celebrate their accomplishments, we also get to learn from their efforts through their presentations and panel discussions.

For this year’s conference, we’re bringing together some of the brightest minds in campus recruitment to share their expertise and offer insight into the issues facing the industry today.

So, without further delay, we’re pleased to present our 2016 TalentEgg Awards panelists and speakers!

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Employee Wellness Programs: How They Can Help You Attract & Retain Top Millennial Talent

In the age of #fitspo and green juice, it’s no wonder that health and wellness initiatives are becoming more and more common at many companies.

And according to a recent survey from Fitbit, these initiatives are playing a big role in recruitment – 94 per cent of CEOs believe a health and wellness program is essential to attracting top talent. In addition, they can also drive employee engagement and retention.

These findings are especially important for campus recruiters. Clearly, today’s top candidates are looking for more from a potential employer. Millennials are paying more attention to their health and wellbeing, so it makes sense that the opportunity to incorporate those values into their work experiences would be a huge plus for them. Therefore, if you’re hiring students and new grads, it wouldn’t hurt to play up your company’s commitment to health and wellness in your recruitment marketing.

Here are the top four ways employee wellness programs can help you attract and retain top millennial talent.

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The 3 Major Keys To Co-op Program Success

Co-op programs can be a valuable recruitment tool for companies of all shapes and sizes.

However, a successful employer co-op initiative needs to offer a mix of informative training, hands-on work, and fun – and it can be tricky to strike the right balance between the three.

Benefits of co-op programs for employers
  • Fresh perspectives. By hiring students on a regular basis, you can take advantage of the continuous supply of new and creative approaches to your business.
  • Meet staffing challenges. Is it a busy period for your company? Co-op students can provide support with entry-level tasks and alleviate the strain on your full-time staff.
  • Share your knowledge. Get the opportunity to mentor bright and enthusiastic students and share your expertise with the next generation of leaders.
  • Tax credits. There are several incentives available for employers to offset the cost of hiring a co-op student. Check your regional government’s website for more information!

Luckily, here at TalentEgg, we get the chance to connect with co-op students from a variety of different organizations and gain feedback on their likes and dislikes. Over the years, we’ve noticed a couple of big trends that contribute to a co-op student’s satisfaction, and success, in their role.

If you want to create an egg-ceptional co-op program, here are the 3 things you need to do.

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