TalentEgg Trends

Today’s Talent, Tomorrow’s Leaders

Knowledge Hub For Employers, Career Educators And Coaches

Author: Nathaniel Rottenberg (page 4 of 4)

It's Egg-citing to work here!

Check out our first video blog! I share what exactly it is I do here at TalentEgg, and Lauren shares what we’re up to in the next few weeks. Here’s more info on the Client Success Specialist role and the Sales Representative position. Apply now! As I mentioned in the video, if you want to get involved, you can follow us on twitter or find us on Facebook. Of course, you can always drop me an email at nathaniel@talentegg.ca. Many more videos to come, so stay tuned!

This week at TalentEgg!

Big Plans! Here’s a list of what to look out for on TalentEgg this week:

Focus on Healthcare

Focus on Healthcare is a week-long online event with a ton of free career resources for students and recent grads interested in starting their careers in the healthcare industry.

Each day, you’ll find valuable articles, videos and job opportunities from top healthcare employers like:

Community Care Access Centres
Trillium Health Centre
Northern Health
Halton Healthcare Services
North York General Hospital
Scarborough Hospital

Today we published two “A Day In The Life” pieces: a Q&A with a registered nurse from Trillium Health Centre as well as a video blog with a Community Care Access Centre case manager from Toronto.


As I mentioned in my last post, there are a lot of things that can suck about finding a job. One thing that I didn’t touch on was how lonely it can feel. Most people think of job searching as a solitary activity, but it doesn’t have to be!

That’s why the Discuss section of TalentEgg is so helpful. It gives you a chance to interact with other people who are also looking for career-launching opportunities, and share ideas and strategies.  One of our goals this year is to improve Discuss. But we need your help. What topics would you like to see discussed?

New jobs

As always, plenty of new job openings every day. Check out the news section on the front page to stay up to date.

Coming soon? Office Dog Olympics?

We have two office dogs, Pancake and Lily. I think we should have some sort of competition to determine who is the office champion dog? I’m thinking events like: a chew off, biggest growl, best guard dog…

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