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Category: Career fairs (page 2 of 6)

How To Break Out Of Your Campus Recruiting Comfort Zone

It happens to the best of us.

You start settling into a comfortable work routine and, before you know it, that routine becomes a rut. You’re doing the same things, day in and day out, and while you may be keeping everything afloat, you have a nagging feeling that you could be doing a lot more to take your recruiting practice to the next level.

So how do you move past a career plateau? By changing things up! There are many ways to do this – you can start small by making little adjustments to your daily workflow, or go big by starting a new company project.

Here are a few fun ways for campus recruiters to break out of their comfort zone.

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Recruiters – Here’s How Your Introverted Qualities Can Help You Source Top Talent

At first glance, a campus recruiter’s job description has extrovert written all over it.

After all, work days consist of meeting new people, conducting interviews, and attending industry events. But while being outgoing and talkative is certainly useful for recruiting, introverted qualities also have their place in the field.

Here are 4 reasons why introverts make egg-ceptional recruiters!

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Campus Recruiters: 5 Steps to Becoming The Most Memorable Recruiter In The Room

A quick Google search will reveal hundreds of articles for job seekers looking to stand out to recruiters. But there’s only a fraction of those resources for recruiters looking to stand out to their candidates.

As a campus recruiter, it’s just as important for you to stand out to students and grads as it is for them to impress you. The benefits are twofold: leaving a lasting impression on potential candidates not only strengthens your employer brand, it also speeds up your recruitment process. Forget spending precious hours chasing after lukewarm candidates – being memorable means the right hire will seek you out instead.

Stay top-of-mind with your talent pool with these 5 easy tips.

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Balancing Work And Life: How Recruiters Get It Right

The recruitment industry has known it for years but now the world is in on in the secret: recruiters are egg-ceptional at balancing work and life.

One might think that with all the different aspects of the job, recruiting is all work and no play. However, industry roles like “recruiting coordinator” and “talent acquisition specialist” are highly sought after, in part because of the work-life balance they offer.

So how do experienced recruiters manage to have such a balanced approach to life? Here are a few of the top reasons:

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