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Category: Career fairs (page 3 of 6)

How “Speed Interviews” Put Your Gen-Y Recruitment Efforts In The Fast Lane

Career fairs are one of the most efficient ways for campus recruiter to get face time with their talent pool. Unfortunately, the same can’t be said for the next hiring stage: interviewing.

You have to sort applications, contact candidates, prepare questions, schedule interviews – and repeat this process for every single candidate you’re considering. For recruiters and candidates alike, this is often the longest and most stressful part of the hiring process.

Now what if you could cut your interviewing process down to half, or even a quarter, of the time you usually spend? That’s the inspiration behind speed interviewing. Modeled after the process of speed dating, this technique is not only fun for candidates, it also provides plenty of advantages for time-strapped campus recruiters.

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Recruiters – Here’s How To Make Sure All Your Campus Candidates Leave With A Positive Impression

Campus recruiters understand the importance of a good impression.

As the face of your organization, you are typically the first interaction most students or grads have with your company. It can be challenging to ensure that every potential candidate leaves with a positive impression of your organization, as every individual you meet will have different expectations and ideas about what they want their career with your company to look like.

Luckily, there is a simple solution for these situations. Authentically engaging with all candidates – not just the ones you hire – will help you build a strong and genuine employer brand that students and grads not only love, but trust.

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How to Make Sure Students and Grads Know About Your Fall Recruitment Season

You’ve organized your events, posted your roles, and you have a solid hiring strategy in place. By all intents and purposes, you are ready to tackle Fall Campus Recruitment Season head on.

Except for one thing – your target talent pool might not know you’re hiring.

For most students, September is all about hitting the books, not the job search. Less than 20% of students are looking for work at this time. However, 70% of employers do the majority of their recruiting in the fall. Therefore, to capture busy students’ attention, your recruitment strategy also needs an effective marketing plan.

The best way to reach students is to go to where they spend the majority of their time – online. Content, social media, and email marketing are some of the best ways to promote your events and opportunities but before you get started, there are two things to remember:

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So Many Candidates, So Little Time: How To Streamline Your Campus Fall Recruitment Strategy

Fall Campus Recruitment Season is upon us once again – and as a recruiter, you’re looking for the best and brightest talent that universities and colleges have to offer. However, with all the information sessions, career fairs, and networking nights on your calendar, it can be difficult to keep pace with every student that comes your way.

Dealing with high-volume campus recruitment events can get chaotic. In order to minimize stress and maximize efficiency, you need to have a game plan. A good strategy starts before you set foot on campus, and will keep you organized long after you leave. From set-up to take-down and everything in between, these tips will ensure you have your most successful Fall recruitment season yet.

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