TalentEgg Trends

Today’s Talent, Tomorrow’s Leaders

Knowledge Hub For Employers, Career Educators And Coaches

Category: Uncategorized (page 20 of 47)

A million little dogs = best work break ever

Don’t ask me why, but I hate microwaves. I don’t have one in my apartment, and I never wanted to have one in the TalentEgg office.

However, after many months of BEGGING and PLEADING, I finally gave in and agreed to get a microwave for the team (apparently the world doesn’t revolve around me and my weird aversion to microwaves).

So on Friday afternoon, Cassandra and I headed out on a journey to purchase said microwave. However, before we could go anywhere, Dan flagged us down… He had discovered this:

!!!!! Of course, we promptly alerted the rest of the team and within minutes, all 8 of us were playing with the 10+ tiny dogs outside our office.

Best work break ever.

PS… 39% of our way to Honest Egg’s!

30% of the way to Honest Egg's

Within 5 minutes yesterday, many hours of work from many different people came together to help us get to 30% of our August goal at TalentEgg.

What does that mean? We’re well on our way to our Honest Egg adventure!!

Clearly we are not the first – nor will we be the last – to embark on an Honest Egg’s adventure:


This egg-cites me

Well done team, and thanks for all the support from our TalentEgg fans so far!!!!

TalentEgg partners with Petroleum Human Resources Council of Canada

Yesterday, the Petroleum Human Resources Council of Canada announced a new partnership with TalentEgg for ourFocus on Petroleum online event in November.


Retiring workers will affect all sectors in the petroleum industry within the next decade—approximately 105,000 workers will need to be hired by 2020—and forward-thinking employers are encouraged to think about replenishing their workforce with young workers now. Cheryl Knight, CEO and Executive Director for the Council urges, “The findings of the Council’s Supply/Demand Analysis 2009-2020 not only indicate future opportunities for job seekers, but also the critical need to continue to attract new entrants – particularly young people to the industry to meet labour demand.”

The Council has partnered with TalentEgg to increase awareness of meaningful entry-level careers in the petroleum industry among students and recent graduates, as well as spotlight the employers that offer those careers within the industry, during the Focus on Petroleum event in November 2010 and beyond. Lauren Friese, Founder and CEO of TalentEgg says, “The oil and gas industry traditionally remains under the radar for the majority of young people today. Our partnership with the Council and cross-promotion of the Careersinoilandgas.com website during the event, is one way we can speak to youth in their medium of choice – online and through social media.”

The week-long online event will employ an innovative and pro-active approach by reaching out to 18-25 year olds through social media (i.e., Facebook and Twitter), video interviews, online articles and employer profiles. Through the featured content developed for the Focus on Petroleum event, Canadian youth will learn about the oil and gas industry and its different sectors, jobs and career paths within the industry, the benefits of working in the petroleum industry and more. The content will also address many of the myths and misconceptions about the industry that exist among youth.

We are egg-cited to be working with the Council on the Focus on Petroleum! In combination with tons of fantastic employers, the Focus on Petroleum is sure to be one amazing event for Canadian students and recent grads who are thinking about launching their careers in the oil and gas industry.

For employers:

If you’re interested in getting involved with TalentEgg’s Focus on Petroleum in partnership with the Petroleum Human Resources Council of Canada, you can contact us or Rowena Sampang at the Council.

For students and recent grads:

What resources and information do you want to see during the Focus on Petroleum in November? Leave a comment on this blog post and we’ll take your ideas into consideration!

Love at TalentEgg

There seems to be a lot of love at TalentEgg lately.

Someone from our team – who will go unnamed – has been providing us with daily reports on his ascent into love (which is super-cute).

And, in a nice twist on a practice that is usually considered vandalism, the outside of our building was sprayed with the cutest love-graffitti in the whole wide world. We’re talking pink hearts and cute messages.

Unfortunately/fortunately, the building owners have recently started to repaint the entire building, covering up the love-graffitti. I took this picture the other day so that we could preserve at least a little bit of it:

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