TalentEgg Trends

Today’s Talent, Tomorrow’s Leaders

Knowledge Hub For Employers, Career Educators And Coaches

Category: Uncategorized (page 21 of 47)

I love watching our eggs hatch

Early last week I happened to be in Lauren’s office when she received a phone call—it was someone calling the references of a TalentEgg intern and writer for a very cool position on the web team of one of Canada’s largest telecommunications companies.

By Thursday, she had been offered the role and Lauren forwarded me an email exchange between them about the opportunity. This was at the bottom of the chain, written by the intern:

I had an interview last week with [CompanyX] for the role of marketing specialist working for the [web] team. My interview went really well and he really liked hearing about the projects you’ve given me at TalentEgg.  My experience at TalentEgg related perfectly to the position at [CompanyX].

It made me smile and I realized that, although TalentEgg is only a little over two years old, many of our interns, writers and assistant editors have already gone on to some amazing roles, including a marketing internship with a major bank, an editorial internship at The Walrus (one of the most prestigious and competitive internships in Canada!), and web editor of Wine Access magazine.

We’ve always been a very small core team supported by a group of smart, hard-working interns—some full-time, others part-time; some paid, others unpaid.

As someone who started at the company as an intern during its first summer more than two years ago, I know how valuable an internship at TalentEgg can be.

As long as you do the work that needs to be done, you can also get any experience you want.

You can experiment on new projects. You can be exposed to the work of each department. You get to work with students as well as with some of Canada’s biggest brands.

And although we sometimes struggle as young, inexperienced managers, we try to provide the best experience possible by keeping communication lines open. Seeing success stories like this one, where an intern was able to transfer her skills and experience to the next step in her career, makes it even more rewarding to work here (and it makes it a bit easier to navigate the challenges of being a young manager).

Plus, when we say students and recent grads should take on internships to help them launch their careers, we can actually back up that statement with solid examples from our own team!!

If you want to know more about launching your career through internships, check out these articles we’ve published on our Career Incubator:

What we're watching @ TalentEgg HQ

We work really hard at TalentEgg. Honestly, we really do.

You know how there’s this image of startup culture as birkenstocks, miniature basketball nets, Playstations, etc? Well, that’s not us. The front half of the office is really quiet – doing work. The back half is constantly on the phone, drumming up new business.

That being said, we do break for the occasional hilarious video. And this one is certainly hilarious (and also loosely connected to careers!)

Understanding Generation Y – it's not what they say, it's what they do

One of my biggest pet peeves in the Gen Y ‘market’ that I work in is reports and presentations that portray opinion as fact.

Specifically, I’m referring to characterizations about Generation Y where the data is gathered from Generation Y. For example, “Gen Y panels”, where Gen Y-ers are asked to share their opinions of themselves, or surveys that gather Gen Y opinions of themselves.

When talking about employment, I find these reports to be even more misleading – how can a Generation Y-er accurately predict what they’ll want in the workplace, when their experience in the workforce is limited (if they have any at all)?

A better method is to ask Gen Y to report on their actual experiences. And in the case of a Generation that is just starting out in the workplace, it may mean that the only real data we can use to understand their workplace behaviour is based on the way we were raised.

That being said, today’s article in The Mark, “How to Keep Young Talent in Canada” is a good read for any employer looking for the basics on Gen Y and their expectations in the workplace. Enjoy!

Smile – Canada's job market (almost) recovered

smiling dogTalentEgg launched in April, 2008 – only a few short months before the markets crashed. In one respect, we were lucky to have launched before the recession, giving us enough time to build the momentum necessary to get through the slump.

On the other hand, I’d be lying if I said that late 2008 – and 2009 in its entirety – was easy.

That’s why articles like this one is very encouraging:

“Unemployment rate falls to surprise 7.9%” – National Post

The article reports that Canada has added over 400,000 jobs since July, 2009, “recouping almost all of the jobs lost in a slump that began in the second half of 2008”.

This makes me smile.

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