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Tag: career fairs (page 4 of 4)

On Campus Recruitment: Identifying the Superstars

This is a guest post by Claire Westgate who is the Events & Employer Services Coordinator at the University of Toronto Mississauga Career Centre. Claire came to the UTM Career Centre after working both at the St. George campus and in corporate recruitment.

There is always a flurry of activity in the Career Centre in September, with students submitting applications, employers posting jobs, and the Career Centre is packed with students and their concerned faces – “is my application good enough?” “who else applied?” “If I don’t get a job now, what will I do?  Will I have to go to Grad School?”.  We spend countless hours encouraging students to apply to campus recruitment jobs, helping them with their applications, and assuring them that one way or another, they’ll be successful in the workplace.

Despite this, from the hundreds of students who apply, it’s often the same small group that are interviewed for each and every company.  Clearly, a decision has been made that in order to “narrow the pool”, students need to meet a certain level of criteria to make the cut – and this means the same group of Commerce students with 4.0 GPAs are interviewed.

Career ServicesNot that these few students aren’t brilliant, but considering that our campus is close to 11,500 students, I’d suggest the odds of missing out on some spectacular candidates are pretty high, and would like to take this opportunity to offer you some ideas on reaching the rest of the talent, and encourage you to consider branching out.

Case StudyMissing the Mark

Natalie graduated in 2010 from the Communications program.  Her degree was a BBA – not a BComm, which many organizations had requested during on-campus recruitment season.  She wasn’t selected for any interviews, despite having some great experience and a serious passion for communications.  Natalie had worked retail, volunteered, and spent countless hours building her own website and blog – but to no avail.  In the end, Natalie was hired (by networking) for a new marketing coordinator position at a mid-sized company.  Single handedly, in the first four months, Natalie has revitalized the website, created new branding materials, boosted social media use, and shot video and photo for materials – company sales are up 38%.  Think this has something to do with this amazing candidate?  Imagine what she could have done for the organizations that passed her by in recruitment season.

Tip! Look beyond the degree.  Arts, Science, and other degree students have far more to offer than you might assume from their discipline.  Look for “fit” factors – are they passionate about your field?  You can teach them the technicalities – but you can’t teach them to have drive and enthusiasm for their work.

Case Study: The Company that got it Right!

Jasper was a non-traditional student.  He’d never normally have considered participating in campus recruitment, because he figured he didn’t “fit” the mould.  He wasn’t on the campus club executive, and he didn’t stand out in his classes in the same way the “squeaky wheels” did. He was a good student, though, and got respectable grades.  He applied for one job anyway in September – and believe it or not, he was hired.  His peers were dumfounded – students who thought for sure they were a “shoo in” couldn’t believe they’d been passed over. Here’s the thing, though – on Jasper’s resume, the recruiter had noticed that he’d had some experience in another country.  Turns out, Jasper was the youngest of a large family and the first in his entire family to go to University.  Upon arriving in Canada, he’d identified a need to help developing nations – and helped start a scholarship fund, which has become extremely successful.  He didn’t brag about this – and fortunately, the recruiter took the time to look a little closer and invite him for an interview on a hunch – resulting in an amazing fit and a great hire.

Tip! Look outside the obvious.  We realize that it’s more efficient to “narrow” the pack by cutting off the applications at a certain GPA or with a certain degree, but there are thousands – literally – of amazing candidates that might not fit the “textbook” mould but would do a lot for your organization in terms of diversity, creativity and broadening your workforce.  You could have the 10 “traditional” students, or, you could branch out and find a slightly different type of superstar who’ll bring a whole new set of skills to your organization.

Most Importantly….

Look at what students are doing, and ask yourself: why? Rebecca Markey, Career Counselor, advises “look for the students that are doing activities because they are personally invested and interested in doing them.  A student with an innate sense of leadership and community engagement is a far, far better fit for your company than someone who is only volunteering because they’re trying to catch a recruiter’s eye”.

Visit campuses.  Engage with students OUTSIDE recruitment, such as at networking events and career panels.  These are the real chances to identify the superstars – those with real passion and drive, who’ll be a great fit for your company.

Maximize your career fair experience

On Monday, I wrote a post examining the value of career fairs. I was pretty critical. I wrote the post for two reasons. The first was to share a perspective that some students may agree with. The second reason, and the more important of the two, was to generate a discussion that would hopefully help students and employers learn how to get the most out of career fairs.

In response to my article, Adrian Berg, the Assistant Director of Employer Relations And Marketing at the University of Toronto Mississauga Career Centre, wrote us a great comment on our article sharing tips on how to maximize the potential of career fairs. Below is Adrian’s comment in full. For employers that are considering career fair participation, it provides a balancing overview of the potential value that students can gain from visiting the fair and your booth in particular.

Although it’s true that many students leave career fairs disappointed, there are also many students who find them to be a valuable experience (information from a survey conducted after our last major career fair shows that 89% of students would recommend the fair to their friends).

The key is preparation. Just showing up in jeans and t-shirt, asking reps “What do you do?” is unlikely to add much value to your job searching efforts. Researching the organizations in advance, preparing an effective 20-30 second business introduction and dressing professionally will help you stand out from the crowd and be noticed by the recruiters. Bring along a professionlly made business card and hand it to the employer after you speak with them, and be sure to ask them for one too. Make a visit to your campus Career Centre a priority in the weeks before the fair, to get any help you need on how to prepare so you can make the most of the fair.

The article states that many companies attending career fairs are not hiring. While this may be the case at some fairs, it certainly has not been our experience at the University of Toronto Mississauga, where pretty much all organizations that are attend are currently recruiting (we publish this information in advance in a fair guide, available to students both online and at the fair). But even if they are actively recruiting, students should not expect that the act of attending a fair will bring a job by itself, but rather it’s just one part of an effective job search. Having dozens of employers on campus is a great opportunity to ask questions that provide information beyond what is available on their websites. Students can then use this information to their advantage, by tailoring their resume and cover letter or demonstrating this knowledge when following up with the reps after the fair via email or in an interview.

Not only are fairs an excellent opportunity to build relationships with reps from organizations you may be interested in working for, they’re also a great opportunity to speak with reps from firms that you may not have even considered. Consider this comment from one of our recent graduates: “It really opened my eyes to the diverse types of industries and jobs that are truly available. For example, I always knew I was interested in marketing but I hadn’t considered grocery retail until I stopped at the Loblaw booth at the UTM Career Centre Career Expo in my second year.”

But don’t just attend the career fair and think you’ve done your networking. Most Career Centres also offer a number of employer information sessions, industry panels and/or networking events through the year. Attending these will provide additional networking opportunities, and who knows, you may just run into the same hiring reps at these other events where you can take your relationship building to the next level!

In Campus Recruiting: Out with the old, in with the new

Things are changing, and they are changing fast. Practices that were common place for hundreds of years have recently been almost completely wiped out by new technologies. When was the last time you sent a paper letter to a friend? I know I haven’t sent one in years. Email is way too effective and convenient for me to even consider using paper mail. I can send it from wherever I am, whenever I want and get an instant confirmation that my mail has been received. When was the last time you used a paper phonebook to look up a telephone number? Personally, I can’t even remember that long ago.

I have noticed a theme amongst my fellow generation y-ers. We want to be able to do what we want, when we want, where we want. Facebook, MySpace, YouTube and all of the super popular social networking sites have that in common. They can be accessed anytime, anywhere by anyone. So it seems rather silly to me that companies use career fairs to reach this group when trying to hire them. The thought process must have been something like this: (This isn’t meant to offend anyone, its just meant to shed light on some of the major problems associated with the approach some companies are taking to campus recruiting)

Employee #1 says: “Gen Y students and new grads are early adapters of online networking. They prefer to be able to access content at any place, time or location. They are extremely busy with studies in their final year of school.”

Employee #2 says: “OK, now that we know that let’s do the exact opposite when trying to reach them. Let’s create a career fair at a fixed time and location and hopefully they will come.

Employee #3 says: “Great idea, let’s spend thousands of dollars doing it all over the country”

Some students definitely still go to career fairs, and they will continue to do so. It is a minority, so already we have eliminated a substantial portion of students who would have potentially liked to work for you. Most students probably were too busy, didn’t know about it, were too lazy, couldn’t get there, etc. Of the students who do go, a smaller percentage will actually visit your booth. An even smaller percentage will be interested enough to apply. And an even smaller percentage will actually be qualified. So at the end of the day, you may have spent a substantial amount of time and money to reach an extremely limited pool of potential employees, in one geographic location. Oy.

The solution to this problem seems a little too simple…create an online space where students go to find out about employment opportunities, career advice, and really everything a career fair can provide and more. If they want to find out more about what it’s like to work for Kraft or Molson at 3 a.m. then let them. If they want to apply for their first meaningful role while they are stuck in traffic, why shouldn’t they. That’s what we have been trying to accomplish with TalentEgg. Before we came along, there wasn’t a place that was the place for students and new grads. There wasn’t an easy way to find your first job as a new graduate. We thought there should be and now there is.

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