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Tag: continuing education

5 Continuing Education Courses To Take Your Campus Recruitment To The Next Level

It’s a well-known fact: if you want to be successful, you must always be open to expanding your skill-set.

With Gen-Z starting their first internships and placements, it is even more critical for campus recruiters to be on top of the latest industry trends and tactics in order to stay relevant to students and new grads.

Fortunately, there are plenty of continuing education opportunities available for recruitment professionals. You don’t even have to go very far to find them – all of these courses can be found in the Training section on TalentEgg.

Here are our top picks for campus recruiters!

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What every campus recruiter should know about graduating students

What Every Campus Recruiter Should Know About Graduating StudentsAs employers recruiting on campus, you have a lot to work around: class schedules and part-time jobs, not to mention other employers competing for the same talent.

Even once you offer employment to a graduating student, there’s still salary expectations, retention, post-graduate education and even travel plans to contend with sometimes.

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