TalentEgg Trends

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Tag: millennial

Employee Wellness Programs: How They Can Help You Attract & Retain Top Millennial Talent

In the age of #fitspo and green juice, it’s no wonder that health and wellness initiatives are becoming more and more common at many companies.

And according to a recent survey from Fitbit, these initiatives are playing a big role in recruitment – 94 per cent of CEOs believe a health and wellness program is essential to attracting top talent. In addition, they can also drive employee engagement and retention.

These findings are especially important for campus recruiters. Clearly, today’s top candidates are looking for more from a potential employer. Millennials are paying more attention to their health and wellbeing, so it makes sense that the opportunity to incorporate those values into their work experiences would be a huge plus for them. Therefore, if you’re hiring students and new grads, it wouldn’t hurt to play up your company’s commitment to health and wellness in your recruitment marketing.

Here are the top four ways employee wellness programs can help you attract and retain top millennial talent.

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Gen-Y Job-Hopping: What Campus Recruiters Need To Know

The idea of an employee sticking with one company for their entire career is almost completely a thing of the past.

With the majority of workers changing jobs after 1-3 years, today’s students and new grads are more likely than ever to experience several jobs – and even careers – during their time in the workforce.

As a campus recruiter, you invest a lot of time and effort into finding the perfect hire, so how do you ensure that your top talent stays with you? The first step is understanding the mindset of a Gen-Y job-hopper. Job-hopping is not the resume red flag it used to be. In fact, you might be surprised to find that it’s the top performers who tend to jump around the most because, whether true or not, they feel like they’ve outgrown you.

Therefore, the recipe for keeping your brightest hires with you for the long haul is quite simple: make sure that your company offers them the same benefits they’d get from going elsewhere. And as a recruiter, it’s your job to make sure your top candidates know about these advantages from the get-go.

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Become A Social Recruiting #Rockstar: Top 10 Tips From TalentEgg

If you’re hiring students and grads, then it’s no secret that social media is where you need to be. Still, setting up an online account and posting a couple of times does not guarantee that your talent pool will “like” you in droves.

If you’re looking for some inspiration for your social recruiting efforts, then you’ve come to the right place! Employers on TalentEgg are egg-ceptional at using social media to connect with students and new grads.

‘Follow’ their lead with these top 10 tips for social recruiting success.

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Identifying The Right Mentors For Your Mentorship Program

Finding top talent doesn’t just mean recruiting great students and recent grads across Canada.

Regardless of your industry, the size of your recruitment program or your ideal candidate, when you’re recruiting for tomorrow’s generation of Canadian leaders, you aren’t looking for a finished product. You’re looking for potential. Continue reading