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Tag: recruitment season

Recruiters – Here Are 3 Ways You Can Use December To Prep For The New Year

During the month of December, most students are busy with exams, final assignments, and holiday vacations. As a result, your December campus recruiting schedule will likely be quieter than usual.

While it may be tempting, this doesn’t mean you should go into cruise mode for the rest of the month. January recruitment season is right around the corner, which means now is the perfect time to start prepping for the busy times ahead.

Here are 3 ways you can get ahead of the game for the New Year!

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Balancing Work And Life: How Recruiters Get It Right

The recruitment industry has known it for years but now the world is in on in the secret: recruiters are egg-ceptional at balancing work and life.

One might think that with all the different aspects of the job, recruiting is all work and no play. However, industry roles like “recruiting coordinator” and “talent acquisition specialist” are highly sought after, in part because of the work-life balance they offer.

So how do experienced recruiters manage to have such a balanced approach to life? Here are a few of the top reasons:

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