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Tag: work-life balance (page 1 of 2)

Employee Wellness Programs: How They Can Help You Attract & Retain Top Millennial Talent

In the age of #fitspo and green juice, it’s no wonder that health and wellness initiatives are becoming more and more common at many companies.

And according to a recent survey from Fitbit, these initiatives are playing a big role in recruitment – 94 per cent of CEOs believe a health and wellness program is essential to attracting top talent. In addition, they can also drive employee engagement and retention.

These findings are especially important for campus recruiters. Clearly, today’s top candidates are looking for more from a potential employer. Millennials are paying more attention to their health and wellbeing, so it makes sense that the opportunity to incorporate those values into their work experiences would be a huge plus for them. Therefore, if you’re hiring students and new grads, it wouldn’t hurt to play up your company’s commitment to health and wellness in your recruitment marketing.

Here are the top four ways employee wellness programs can help you attract and retain top millennial talent.

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The 5 Types Of Highly Desirable Passive Student And New Grad Candidates & How To Reach Them

Sometimes the best candidates aren’t the ones looking for a job.

There are many students and new grads out there that might not be actively seeking employment at that moment, but if the right position came along, they would definitely be interested and very qualified.

Maybe they’re continuing their education, or taking some time off to travel – whatever the case may be, these types of passive student and new grad candidates are a highly underrated group worth a second look by employers. For example pursuing a postgraduate degree or certificate shows a high level of dedication that many employers look for in new hires. An added bonus? Since they’re not on the job hunt, these individuals are not likely to be interviewing with other companies.

To help you attract this hidden talent pool, we’ve examined five types of highly desirable passive candidates and the required steps to reach them.

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Balancing Work And Life: How Recruiters Get It Right

The recruitment industry has known it for years but now the world is in on in the secret: recruiters are egg-ceptional at balancing work and life.

One might think that with all the different aspects of the job, recruiting is all work and no play. However, industry roles like “recruiting coordinator” and “talent acquisition specialist” are highly sought after, in part because of the work-life balance they offer.

So how do experienced recruiters manage to have such a balanced approach to life? Here are a few of the top reasons:

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5 campus recruitment lessons from PwC’s NextGen study

At the end of last week, PwC released a comprehensive study on how millennials (those born between 1980 and 1995, for the purposes of the study – also known as Generation Y) view and impact the workplace.

The firm says NextGen is the largest global generational study ever conducted, featuring the results of more than 40,000 responses from millennials and non-millennials alike in 18 global territories.

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