TalentEgg Trends

Today’s Talent, Tomorrow’s Leaders

Knowledge Hub For Employers, Career Educators And Coaches

Author: Adriano Rivera (page 4 of 31)

Signals of potential, the AMS elections and Tyler Turnbull

As I browsed through my Twitter feed yesterday morning, a tweet about my alma mater, Queen’s, came through, and I was compelled to click because it mentioned, a) a Cee-Lo parody, and b) the AMS (student council) elections.

The Twitter link took me to an article called “Who casts the first stone…“, highlighting a hilarious video that Team SDL made as part of their campaign for AMS executive this year. I was very impressed – it’s funny, energetic, and lets you see a very human side of Team SDL.

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Lily and Pancake get in the Holiday Spirit

Just to remind us all that the holiday ‘break’ is coming up, Lily and Pancake showed up for work today in themed, matching outfits.

You know what's embarrassing?

First of all, the fact that I apparently did not know how to spell embarrassing and had to have the spell-checker in Chrome remind me of its correct spelling.

More importantly: What’s embarrassing is the fact that I publicly announced I would be posting at least 3x per week on this blog, and it’s now been a solid 6 weeks since our last post.

I could lie and say that the reason is that Pancake and Lily are so extremely cute that it was hard to replace them, but the truth is that I’m simply a delinquent.

So what’s been going on at TalentEgg over the past 6 weeks?

Yup, you guessed it… a ton.

Our most recent really fun press coverage was in The Sun and republished in the London Free Press, The Whig Standard, 24 Hours, etc… right across the country! Definitely a highlight.

And I’ve been out and about in Waterloo, Calgary and Toronto speaking at conferences…

As for the rest of the team: Everyone here is in hyper busy mode. Our “Delivery” team is crazy busy prepping content for the January rush, and given that this involves a bunch of new employers and educators, you can bet that the rest of the team has been very busy as well.

We’ve also had some great ideas and development that I can’t talk about on here, but that I’m SUPER EGG-CITED about. While I can’t disclose the actual projects for fear of ruining the surprise, what I can say is that the changes coming up in 2011 will provide you – students and new grads – with even better resources than before… From the basics of career prep to industry research. And they’ll be delivered in fancy new ways that won’t be fancy at all, cause who are we kidding? TalentEgg is all about authentic, down-to-earth communications.

So with that overly confusing paragraph of mystery behind us, I will end this post and update. I hereby pledge to be better at blogging again… starting NOW.

Happy Halloween from TalentEgg

What a funny week. Between Cassandra’s rockstar interview with Richard Branson, an appearance on BNN, and all the regular stuff that happens at TalentEgg, we almost forgot that it was Halloween.

Good thing Lily and Pancake didn’t…

Happy Halloween!!

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