The die-hard TalentEgg-ers out there would have already noticed. Two weeks ago, we re-launched This isn’t just a new look – it’s a complete overhaul.
And it isn’t just a (MUCH) quicker, easier to use, cleaner TalentEgg – it’s new content and resources too.
Have you checked out TalentEgg Events? For students, this is going to grow into a one-stop-shop for all career related events – on-campus, off-campus and online. For employers and educators, this is a great way to promote events year round. And for us, it’s a great way to communicate all the eggciting, eggcelent events we come across in our daily interactions online and off, and to help students leverage the power of the internet through TalentEgg Events to find all the best career-related events available to them.
How about our Career Toolbox? Over the past 2 years, we’ve been publishing at least 10 articles weekly in The Incubator, our online magazine. We now have over 600 articles published there, and I personally check in everyday to see what’s new (as should you!!). With all this content, we still felt we were missing something: Definitive articles that help students figure out the basics of meaningful entry level job hunting… Resumes, Interviews, etc. So, with the help of Mazda, we created the Career Toolbox. On top of the definitive articles, we’re also launching a wiki! Stay tuned for more, and be sure to register to access this premium content (free).
We’ve also pumped up our Discussion section, in an effort to encourage dialogue between all TalentEgg-ers – students, employers, career centres, and career advisors, and of course, have launched the beginnings of TalentEgg Education.
This is perhaps the biggest addition to the site, and it’s really just getting started. To start, we’re working with Ryerson’s Chang School and Lakehead to get the word out about all the great educational opportunities that are out there to help students and recent grads top up their skills and get the qualifications they need to hatch their dream careers.
And of course, today also marks the launch of our 7-week industry series, starting with Focus on Accounting. Check it out. Check it ALL out.
And please, please, let me know what you think!!