TalentEgg Trends

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Category: Case studies (page 3 of 7)

Gen-Y Job-Hopping: What Campus Recruiters Need To Know

The idea of an employee sticking with one company for their entire career is almost completely a thing of the past.

With the majority of workers changing jobs after 1-3 years, today’s students and new grads are more likely than ever to experience several jobs – and even careers – during their time in the workforce.

As a campus recruiter, you invest a lot of time and effort into finding the perfect hire, so how do you ensure that your top talent stays with you? The first step is understanding the mindset of a Gen-Y job-hopper. Job-hopping is not the resume red flag it used to be. In fact, you might be surprised to find that it’s the top performers who tend to jump around the most because, whether true or not, they feel like they’ve outgrown you.

Therefore, the recipe for keeping your brightest hires with you for the long haul is quite simple: make sure that your company offers them the same benefits they’d get from going elsewhere. And as a recruiter, it’s your job to make sure your top candidates know about these advantages from the get-go.

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Recruiter of the Month: A Q&A with Nikki Simone

Nikki Simone isn’t just a campus recruitment leader – she’s a campus recruitment champion.

Winner of the Campus Recruiter of the Year award at the 2014 TalentEgg National Campus Recruitment Excellence Awards & Conference, Nikki has made her mark in the campus recruitment community.

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Year in review: The best campus recruitment resources of 2014

The countdown is on! As the year comes to a close, we’re rounding up our best campus recruitment resources from 2014.

It was an egg-ceptional year for the campus community – from the insider-insight shared at the 2014 TalentEgg National Campus Recruitment Awards and Conference to the egg-citement of the fall recruitment season, there were many opportunities to learn and explore campus best practices. The following resources reflect the range of experiences, events and conversations that took place throughout 2014 and are useful, actionable content for attracting, targeting and recruiting Gen Y.

Revisit 2014’s best campus recruitment resources before the clock strikes midnight!

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Gamification for campus recruitment: An introduction

You’ve likely heard about it at some point this year – gamification is sweeping the business world and it’s making its way into the campus recruitment community.

For recruitment teams looking for new ways to engage and motivate Gen Y, gamification can easily be incorporated into existing programs.

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