TalentEgg Trends

Today’s Talent, Tomorrow’s Leaders

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Category: Optimizing for Gen Y (page 5 of 25)

5 Non-Traditional Networking Events Your Talent Pool Will Love

Students and grads want a variety of ways to connect with potential employers.

But out of all the options available, networking events reign supreme. In fact, 78% of our student panel picked this type of event over others like information sessions and career fairs. It makes sense why this would be the case: if you’re trying to get hired, getting face time with a recruiter can be invaluable. Additionally, even if you don’t land the gig, establishing that relationship might open other doors down the road.

But it’s not only students and new grads who benefit from these kinds of events! Networking enables recruiters to ask the thoughtful questions that allow you to get to know potential candidates on a deeper level; something that is not always possible at more high-volume engagements.

However, if you really want to stand out to your talent pool, try attending or hosting one of the following events!

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Introducing The 2016 TalentEgg Guide To Canadian Campus Recruitment

The 2016 TalentEgg Campus Recruitment Excellence Awards & Conference has come and gone, and we’re incredibly thankful to everyone who chose to spend their time with us.

Not only were our attendees treated to a free copy of keynote speaker Don Tapscott’s latest book, they also got to take home our 2016 Guide to Campus Recruitment. This valuable resource is a recruitment professional’s window into the thoughts of our prestigious student judging panel, who share insights on what students want.

However, if you missed out on the conference, you’re in luck! We’re offering a free digital download right here on TalentEgg 360.

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4 Reasons Why Employers Should Embrace The Reverse Career Fair

College and university career fairs are a staple event of the campus recruitment industry, and it’s easy to understand why.

Recruiters get to interact with a wide variety of students, and attendees have the chance to learn more about potential employers – it’s the kind of event that satisfies both sides of the campus recruitment spectrum.

But recently, some schools have been putting a new twist on the traditional concept in the form of reverse career fairs. These events are similar to the original, except the roles are switched. In this case, the students create the displays and handout materials, and the employers get to walk around and talk with presenters.

If you’re looking for a new event to add to your campus recruitment roster, here are 4 reasons why the reverse career fair should be at the top of your list!

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4 Campus Recruitment Lessons We Learned From Popular Teen App Musical.ly

The modern workforce is changing and fast.

Baby Boomers are retiring in droves, older millennials are rising into management positions, and Generation Z (those born roughly between 1994 and 2010), are starting their first internships and co-op placements. So, if you’re hiring students and new grads, it’s time to start considering how to engage this new generation.

To start, we can learn a lot about a demographic by analyzing the digital spaces they occupy. Similar to how millennials are seen as the “selfie” generation, Generation Z’s online habits reveal quite a lot about their interests and motivations. While they’re “digital natives” just like Gen-Y, where and how they spend their time online is a little different than the generation that came before. For instance, while millennials are defined by first-generation social media sites like Twitter and Facebook, younger teens are flocking to video-based mobile platforms like Snapchat.

To gain more insight, we dug a little deeper into the rise of the latest popular teen app, Musical.ly. This Instagram-meets-Vine style program invites users creating their own videos to accompany a selection of songs served up by the app. It’s clearly popular: Musical.ly has hit #1 in the App Store charts in 19 countries and is even spawning its own set of celebrities, similar to Instagram and YouTube before it.

Here’s what Musical.ly taught us about Gen-Z and campus recruitment.

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