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Category: Workplace Culture (page 1 of 3)

How to Attract the Right Candidates to Your Job Postings

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving job market, attracting and retaining top talent is crucial for the success of any organization. As employers, recruiters, and career centers, it’s essential to provide valuable resources and opportunities for career development to help new grads and students thrive. Let’s explore how you can revolutionize your approach to talent acquisition and engagement by utilizing best practices for career development.

Comprehensive Job Postings

Do you need help attracting the right candidates with your job postings? Crafting an effective job posting is crucial to attracting top talent and ensuring a successful recruitment process. Here are some valuable tips for enhancing job postings and reaching qualified candidates. 

  1. When creating a job posting, clearly outline the essential responsibilities and qualifications. Be concise and specific, ensuring that potential candidates can easily understand what is expected of them in the position.
  2. Highlight the unique aspects of your company culture and the opportunities for professional growth. Job seekers are interested in the job itself, the overall work environment, and the potential for career advancement.
  3. Leverage job posting assessment tools to ensure clarity, accessibility and collaboration with diverse voices, attracting a wide range of qualified candidates.

Optimizing Your Employer Branding

An effective strategy for writing a compelling job posting is to focus on employer branding. You can captivate top talent by showcasing an authentic company culture and providing insights into growth opportunities. Successful employer branding is an ongoing process that involves adapting to changing trends and student aspirations. 

  1. Seek feedback and stay attuned to evolving student and new grad preferences to create an appealing employer identity. By aligning with the aspirations of today’s students, your employer brand will resonate more effectively, attracting candidates who are an excellent fit for your organization.
  2. Showcase your company’s unique culture and values and engage with top talent through tailored content. TalentEgg provides a comprehensive solution for enhancing and amplifying your employer brand. With a dedicated employer profile space, social media promotion, paid advertisements, customized content creation, and more, you can leverage TalentEgg’s platform to elevate your employer brand and connect with the right candidates for your organization.

Networking and Recruitment Events

Networking with students and new grads is vital to attracting your ideal candidates.

  1. Encourage your team to focus on building authentic relationships during networking and recruitment events. Instead of promoting job opportunities, engage in meaningful conversations to understand candidates’ aspirations and career goals. This approach establishes a positive impression and increases the likelihood of attracting top talent who resonate with your company values.
  2. Consider hosting engaging presentations or workshops that showcase your company culture and values when participating in events. Create memorable experiences that leave a lasting impression on attendees. This proactive approach highlights your organization’s strengths and sets you apart from other employers, making your company more attractive to potential candidates.
  3. Promote your virtual and in-person career fairs, webinars, and networking events. TalentEgg provides a platform for employers to connect with students and recent graduates in dynamic and engaging environments. TalentEgg’s innovative solutions enable companies to showcase their unique offerings, fostering genuine connections with talented individuals. 

Visit TalentEgg today! There’s no better place to share your recruitment message and job opportunities to reach the best Gen Z talent.

Fidelity: The Focus on Talent, Well-Being and Diversity

Fidelity Canada is part of the broader group of companies collectively known as Fidelity Investments, one of the world’s largest providers of financial services. An industry-leading investment firm, Fidelity Canada’s mission is to empower Canadians to achieve their financial goals quicker than they ever imagined.

TalentEgg was given an exclusive opportunity to speak with Diana Godfrey, the Senior Vice President of Human Resources & Corporate Affairs at Fidelity. We received an inside perspective regarding Fidelity’s company culture, mental health resources, student initiatives, the importance of DEI, and so much more.

Before starting her 20+ year career at Fidelity, Diana worked in various marketing and accounting roles. HR work was her forte at the company for most of her tenure. As the company evolved, so did her role, allowing her to work with various groups. Recently, she took on Corporate Affairs in addition to HR, expanding opportunities for collaboration amongst a diverse team.


Diana Godfrey, the Senior Vice President of Human Resources & Corporate Affairs at Fidelity

Initiatives for Young Professionals at Fidelity

Fidelity places high value on their student program and recognizes the importance of developing the next generation of talent. Diana was eager to share more details about this prolific program.

“Fidelity’s student program is designed to provide hands-on work experience coupled with personal development workshops to help set students up for success when they graduate,” she shared. “Students and new grads can find themselves in roles where they are contributing impactful work for the company. We’re lucky to have so many of our students become full-time employees once they graduate.”

It should be noted that Fidelity offers high-level workshops for their young employees. They range from more technical skills like Microsoft Excel to developing soft skills like emotional intelligence training and everything in between. Diana also touched on the importance of teaching the ins and outs of the investment world, along with financial wellness and investment literacy.

“To reinforce Fidelity’s commitment to financial wellness, we offer students product study groups to learn about the investment industry at large,” she adds.  “This is imperative to the success of not only our students, but all our employees.”

This plethora of resources highlights Fidelity’s stake in its young workforce. Their commitment to furthering this group’s skill base and professional development is extraordinary.

“We recognize the immense value that students and young people bring to our organization,” adds Diana. “With endless opportunities for their impact and to help grow and evolve our business, we’re committed to keep growing our diverse student community.”

Student and New Grad Opportunities

After delving into the student program, what sort of opportunities can students and new grads expect at Fidelity?

Those who come to Fidelity for a co-op term will often opt in for a future term. For these future terms, students can work with different teams or areas of business. The “rotational student program” is an excellent opportunity for young employees to learn more about the company, while testing different roles to see where they fit best.

“We see our co-op program as a ‘rotational program,’ where students are encouraged to return for multiple placements, though always in different business groups.”

Diana took this further, “We offer several avenues for students to learn new skills, gain new insights, and get exposure that can inspire current and future aspirations.”

She highlighted several critical initiatives for students and new grads at Fidelity. Q&As, case competitions, and mentorship programs, to name a few.

Fidelity recently launched an investment literacy video series called Money Gains, which targets high school students and teaches the fundamentals of investing through relatable examples. Diana also told us they host the “Fidelity NextGen Women’s Summit,” an annual event for women in university to learn about Fidelity through workshops, panels and more. Fidelity strives to create a workplace where the opportunities are endless for students and new grads.

How Fidelity Measures Success

As our talk progressed, we discussed what defines success for an employee at the company, as well as making sure employees’ voices are heard.

“One of the biggest ways we define success as an employer is to actively listen to employees and base future decisions on what’s most important to them,” she says. “Two-way communication is so important in achieving our goals collectively.”

Employee engagement surveys, employee feedback surveys, “town halls,” and quarterly meetings are vital for gauging employee success, answering their questions, and ensuring their voices are heard.

One innovative program Diana highlights is Fidelity’s “Voice of the Employee.” The program “encourages employees to submit ideas that can help improve and streamline the business. All ideas are reviewed by a committee with representation across the business, and those selected for implementation qualify for monetary rewards.”

Diana adds that this program has expanded to gather feedback on its new dynamic working program, Fidelity’s hybrid working model, and corporate sustainability. These strategies ensure all employees are content and working to the best of their abilities.

Fidelity’s Dynamic Working Program

Post-pandemic, there have been many conversations about returning to the office, staying remote, or opting for a hybrid model. Hearing from Diana on this matter and Fidelity’s dynamic working program was fascinating.

This hybrid model was launched in September 2022 to improve the employee experience. Fidelity works with their employees to find the best schedule for them.

“Depending on an individual’s role and the needs of their team, department and the business, working with their managers, employees can determine a working pattern that incorporates visits to the office and working from home,” Diana shared.

But that’s not all. Renovated offices, enhanced cleaning, desk booking, employee lockers, “treat days,” catered lunches, Gen Z social and networking events and on-site baristas, are just some of the perks employees can enjoy in office. She also stressed the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance for Fidelity’s employees.

This program has been an enormous success for its employees, Diana discloses.

“Fidelity Canada employees have adjusted exceptionally well to our future of work program.” In fact, they’ve been recognized by Benefits Canada, winning their award for Future of Work Strategy.

Mental Health Initiatives at Fidelity

In the modern workplace, the focus has shifted to promoting well-being and mental health. More and more initiatives are coming to the workplace to improve mental health as the demand for it grows.

What strides is Fidelity making to prioritize mental health in the workplace? “The strength of Fidelity Canada relies on us supporting employees in the form of physical and mental health to be their best,” Diana divulges. 

Upon diving more deeply, we discovered plenty of initiatives and resources in place for employees at Fidelity. 

Discounted gym memberships, counselling, benefits, and various mental health training, amongst many other progressive initiatives, are in place at Fidelity.

“We’re also committed to reducing mental health-related stigmas and continuously fostering an environment of well-being and inclusivity.”

A significant point Diana circled back to was the importance of work-life balance at Fidelity. Flexible work schedules, paid family care leave, and programs for future retirees, amongst many more initiatives, are in place.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Initiatives at Fidelity

While discussing prevalent issues in the modern workforce, DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) was brought to our attention.

DEI is a significant priority in the workplace. Diana concurs and says Fidelity is committed to DEI and would say it’s one of Fidelity’s greatest strengths.

“At Fidelity, we prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion to create an environment where every employee feels like they belong,” she continues. “A diverse team means having different viewpoints, which leads to better decision-making.”

Continuing on this topic, the issue of unconscious bias in the hiring process became apparent. Diana discussed several actionable steps Fidelity has taken to ensure that their hiring practices are unbiased and fair to all.

They employ proven methods to mitigate hiring bias, including gender-neutral and inclusive job postings and evaluating candidates solely based on their skills rather than personal characteristics. Diana adds that their hiring managers undergo training on unconscious bias and managing bias in the hiring process to actively promote fairness and inclusivity in their recruitment procedures.

Diana feels this training is imperative to unbiased hiring. “By providing our hiring managers and talent acquisition professionals with this training, we help them recognize and mitigate any unconscious biases that may impact their decision-making.”

“Diversity, equity and inclusion are more than just buzzwords; it is not just a policy or checklist, it’s at the core of who we are. It makes our workplace better for everyone and makes us a better company.”

Final Sentiments

Before we ended our discussion, Diana wanted to share a last sentiment about what it means to her to work at Fidelity.

Diana closed out our discussion by sharing, “it’s a privilege to be part of an organization who cares about their employees, clients and the communities we live and work in,” she states, “We’ve established a strong people-centred culture that delivers an employee experience where everyone feels valued, included and well supported, which sets us apart as a top financial services provider and employer.” 

To learn more about how Fidelity approaches careers, you can visit: Fidelity


Visit talenteggtrends.ca for more up-to-date employer, school and career centre news, tips and information!

Providing Opportunities and Supporting Growth for Students and Grads at Worley

As the world continues to evolve, the demand and opportunities for new graduates and students with diverse backgrounds and skill sets in the workforce increase. Worley, a leading global provider of professional services to the energy, resources, and complex process industries, understands the importance of nurturing the next generation of leaders. We had the pleasure of speaking with Andria Matadial, the Campus Relations Lead at Worley, to learn more about the company’s initiatives and perspectives on various topics.

Career Initiatives at Worley

Andria expressed that her experience working as a Campus Relations Lead at Worley has been “delightful and rewarding.” She attributed her positive experience to the opportunity to work with a highly supportive Talent Acquisition (TA) Manager and team. Worley’s primary initiatives for students and new graduates looking to work within the industry are centred around learning, growing, and contributing to game-changing global projects. Recent graduates have the opportunity to take what they know and apply it to new initiatives, new ideas, and new teams. They also have a vast support network to help them succeed and build their careers.

When asked about international student opportunities at Worley’s Australian headquarters, Andria shared that the company had an International Transfer program until 2015. This program allowed a graduate to switch to another graduate at another location. For example, a student from Australia came to Edmonton for some time, and a graduate from Edmonton moved to Australia. Although this program is not currently offered, Worley would love to get it re-instated as it provides graduates with global experience.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are crucial components of Worley’s culture. Andria stated that diversity of background, skills, thinking, and expertise helps the company thrive and develop, enabling it to meet future needs. When we respect, value, and support each other, everyone can participate fully and reach their full potential.

Opportunities & Growth

The company has a Global Graduate Development program to help students and new graduates get involved with opportunities at Worley. Worley supports and develops its graduates to set them up for success. Through a self-directed learning approach, Worley gives its graduates the freedom and flexibility to direct their career paths.

Worley provides various career paths that students and graduates can enjoy, including opportunities to work with a global organization and projects worldwide. The pandemic positively affected the company’s recruiting process by allowing the TA team to recruit more flexibly since the world moved to a virtual work environment. At the same time, the company has moved to a hybrid model or is still in a work-from-home state, depending on the location. The employees have adjusted well to this change, and the company mobilized its staff to work from home at a record speed in 2020.

Leading into the Future

Looking towards the future, Worley foresees continuous hiring within the new graduate area to develop future leaders. In terms of measuring success in the industry, Worley places a strong emphasis on its values:

  • Valuing life
  • Rising to the challenge
  • Being stronger together, and
  • Unlocking brilliance

The company believes that the most successful Worley employees exemplify these values.

Lastly, Andria mentioned that Worley is the “Coolest Company to work for” and is leading within the industry regarding remote work, flexibility, and engagement. Worley eliminates bias from its hiring process by ensuring bias-free postings and promoting “bias awareness” training to individuals involved in the hiring process.

To learn more about Worley and its career initiatives, check out its employer profile on TalentEgg!

Career Initiatives and Career Opportunities with SNC-Lavalin

SNC-Lavalin is a global engineering and construction leader based in Montreal, Quebec. The company also builds public and private infrastructure around the world. Additionally, SNC-Lavalin is committed to connecting people, technology and data throughout their project lifecycle to drive better outcomes across safety, sustainability and efficiency.

We spoke with Mai-Gee Hum, Senior National Manager – University Relations & Early Careers, to learn more about how SNC-Lavalin supports students and new grads in their career journey with the company.

Initiatives for Students and New Graduates Looking to Work Within the Industry

SNC-Lavalin has a New Graduate Development Program for all those newly hired. It also is present at university and college career fairs, employer information sessions, and posts its internships and permanent positions on school job boards.

The team at SNC-Lavalin is looking for New Graduates from Canadian schools (universities or colleges) who are autonomous, collaborative, motivated, and have initiative. Previous work experience is usually optional.

The program welcomes new graduates from every discipline, not just engineering! The best way for students and recent graduates to get involved with career opportunities at SNC-Lavalin is to attend its information session, ask thoughtful questions at the school’s career fair, and to network with the team. Mai-Gee also invites students and new grads to go to the SNC-Lavalin career website to create a user account, set up their preferences and create job alerts.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion at SNC-Lavalin

At SNC-Lavalin, diversity, equity and inclusion mean making a positive impact on society through more inclusive and accessible design – being sensitive to human differences concerning ability, language, culture, gender, age and other forms of diversity. And it means using our global voice to champion progress through thought leadership.

Internally, SNC-Lavalin is removing barriers in every region and at every level – spearheading change through trusted and inclusive leaders, increasing female representation across its whole  organization, and broadening its talent pipeline to include all under-represented groups. This is supported by ground-breaking learning opportunities that unleash potential – giving its clients world-leading expertise. It is essential for SNC-Lavalin because the team believes diversity makes them stronger. It builds a healthy and honest work environment and nourishes curiosity and innovation.

Employees’ diversity of characteristics, knowledge and approaches enhances the team’s ability to provide value-added performance and better serve our clients and business partners. With high diversity and inclusion, SNC-Lavalin can achieve a globally representative workforce and a supportive work environment filled with highly diverse and highly engaged talent.

5 Major Hiring Trends of the Future

Mai-Gee shares with us the five top trends that will take precedence in the future of the workplace:

  1. The job market remains tight and competitive
  2. Flexibility in the workplace is here to stay
  3. Work culture and environment will influence applicant acceptance decision making processes
  4. Employers will need to invest in regular up-skilling to ensure employees can tackle increasingly complex work
  5. Employer diversity and inclusion initiatives remain important to job seekers.

Measuring Success in the Industry

There are many ways to measure success in the industry. Some SNC-Lavalin metrics include retention rate, offer acceptance rate, and the rate of employees who, following employment elsewhere, choose to return to SNC-Lavalin for its values, work culture, and sense of belonging.

Final Thoughts

SNC-Lavalin is a phenomenal place for students or new grads to start their career. The company is focused on connecting new hires with professionally rewarding opportunities, delivery of complex projects with sustainable lifespans, and tackling the industry’s biggest challenges head-on.

To learn more about SNC-Lavalin and its career initiatives, check out their employer profile on TalentEgg!

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