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Tag: employee

How to Attract the Right Candidates to Your Job Postings

In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving job market, attracting and retaining top talent is crucial for the success of any organization. As employers, recruiters, and career centers, it’s essential to provide valuable resources and opportunities for career development to help new grads and students thrive. Let’s explore how you can revolutionize your approach to talent acquisition and engagement by utilizing best practices for career development.

Comprehensive Job Postings

Do you need help attracting the right candidates with your job postings? Crafting an effective job posting is crucial to attracting top talent and ensuring a successful recruitment process. Here are some valuable tips for enhancing job postings and reaching qualified candidates. 

  1. When creating a job posting, clearly outline the essential responsibilities and qualifications. Be concise and specific, ensuring that potential candidates can easily understand what is expected of them in the position.
  2. Highlight the unique aspects of your company culture and the opportunities for professional growth. Job seekers are interested in the job itself, the overall work environment, and the potential for career advancement.
  3. Leverage job posting assessment tools to ensure clarity, accessibility and collaboration with diverse voices, attracting a wide range of qualified candidates.

Optimizing Your Employer Branding

An effective strategy for writing a compelling job posting is to focus on employer branding. You can captivate top talent by showcasing an authentic company culture and providing insights into growth opportunities. Successful employer branding is an ongoing process that involves adapting to changing trends and student aspirations. 

  1. Seek feedback and stay attuned to evolving student and new grad preferences to create an appealing employer identity. By aligning with the aspirations of today’s students, your employer brand will resonate more effectively, attracting candidates who are an excellent fit for your organization.
  2. Showcase your company’s unique culture and values and engage with top talent through tailored content. TalentEgg provides a comprehensive solution for enhancing and amplifying your employer brand. With a dedicated employer profile space, social media promotion, paid advertisements, customized content creation, and more, you can leverage TalentEgg’s platform to elevate your employer brand and connect with the right candidates for your organization.

Networking and Recruitment Events

Networking with students and new grads is vital to attracting your ideal candidates.

  1. Encourage your team to focus on building authentic relationships during networking and recruitment events. Instead of promoting job opportunities, engage in meaningful conversations to understand candidates’ aspirations and career goals. This approach establishes a positive impression and increases the likelihood of attracting top talent who resonate with your company values.
  2. Consider hosting engaging presentations or workshops that showcase your company culture and values when participating in events. Create memorable experiences that leave a lasting impression on attendees. This proactive approach highlights your organization’s strengths and sets you apart from other employers, making your company more attractive to potential candidates.
  3. Promote your virtual and in-person career fairs, webinars, and networking events. TalentEgg provides a platform for employers to connect with students and recent graduates in dynamic and engaging environments. TalentEgg’s innovative solutions enable companies to showcase their unique offerings, fostering genuine connections with talented individuals. 

Visit TalentEgg today! There’s no better place to share your recruitment message and job opportunities to reach the best Gen Z talent.

Employee Wellness Programs: How They Can Help You Attract & Retain Top Millennial Talent

In the age of #fitspo and green juice, it’s no wonder that health and wellness initiatives are becoming more and more common at many companies.

And according to a recent survey from Fitbit, these initiatives are playing a big role in recruitment – 94 per cent of CEOs believe a health and wellness program is essential to attracting top talent. In addition, they can also drive employee engagement and retention.

These findings are especially important for campus recruiters. Clearly, today’s top candidates are looking for more from a potential employer. Millennials are paying more attention to their health and wellbeing, so it makes sense that the opportunity to incorporate those values into their work experiences would be a huge plus for them. Therefore, if you’re hiring students and new grads, it wouldn’t hurt to play up your company’s commitment to health and wellness in your recruitment marketing.

Here are the top four ways employee wellness programs can help you attract and retain top millennial talent.

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Gen-Y Job-Hopping: What Campus Recruiters Need To Know

The idea of an employee sticking with one company for their entire career is almost completely a thing of the past.

With the majority of workers changing jobs after 1-3 years, today’s students and new grads are more likely than ever to experience several jobs – and even careers – during their time in the workforce.

As a campus recruiter, you invest a lot of time and effort into finding the perfect hire, so how do you ensure that your top talent stays with you? The first step is understanding the mindset of a Gen-Y job-hopper. Job-hopping is not the resume red flag it used to be. In fact, you might be surprised to find that it’s the top performers who tend to jump around the most because, whether true or not, they feel like they’ve outgrown you.

Therefore, the recipe for keeping your brightest hires with you for the long haul is quite simple: make sure that your company offers them the same benefits they’d get from going elsewhere. And as a recruiter, it’s your job to make sure your top candidates know about these advantages from the get-go.

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Identifying The Right Mentors For Your Mentorship Program

Finding top talent doesn’t just mean recruiting great students and recent grads across Canada.

Regardless of your industry, the size of your recruitment program or your ideal candidate, when you’re recruiting for tomorrow’s generation of Canadian leaders, you aren’t looking for a finished product. You’re looking for potential. Continue reading