The Incubator started out as an experiment: We had been experiencing a lot of demand from students and recent grads for career advice, and decided that if it TalentEgg was going to get into the career advice business, it would be in true TalentEgg style.

So we launched a little site called The Incubator– an online, social Career magazine for students and recent grads which would feature relate-able career advice written about the personal experiences of our writers.

One month after launch, we hired on long-time TalentEgg partner, Cassandra, as our full time editor. Her mandate was to ensure that the Incubator grew into a living, breathing career resource for students, with fresh content 2x daily and an active community of readers, contributors and participants.

Four months later, The Incubator has not only attracted over 40 writers and hundreds of active participants, but it now commands an average of 500 visitors EVERY DAY.

Today, I am proud to announce that the Incubator has published its 200th article: “Consider these post-grad education options: Part 3”

TalentEgg Career Incubator - 200th post

A huge pat on the shoulder and REALLY high five go out to our irreplaceable Editor, Cassandra Jowett, and the entire Incubator team!