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Tag: LoyaltyOne

Employee Wellness Programs: How They Can Help You Attract & Retain Top Millennial Talent

In the age of #fitspo and green juice, it’s no wonder that health and wellness initiatives are becoming more and more common at many companies.

And according to a recent survey from Fitbit, these initiatives are playing a big role in recruitment – 94 per cent of CEOs believe a health and wellness program is essential to attracting top talent. In addition, they can also drive employee engagement and retention.

These findings are especially important for campus recruiters. Clearly, today’s top candidates are looking for more from a potential employer. Millennials are paying more attention to their health and wellbeing, so it makes sense that the opportunity to incorporate those values into their work experiences would be a huge plus for them. Therefore, if you’re hiring students and new grads, it wouldn’t hurt to play up your company’s commitment to health and wellness in your recruitment marketing.

Here are the top four ways employee wellness programs can help you attract and retain top millennial talent.

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4 Ways To Use Your Company Culture To Attract Top Millennial Talent

Everybody wants to work somewhere fun and exciting and Millennials are no different.

Promoting your company culture is incredibly important when it comes to sourcing top millennial talent. Your recruitment strategy should highlight your organization’s key principles, allowing candidates to self-select and identify whether your organization would be the right fit for them.

You might think that you need a glamorous, high-tech space to appeal to a younger demographic, but this isn’t the case. You don’t need trendy tactics to attract Millennials – the best way to find talented people who share your company’s unique values and goals is to be authentic.

Here are four great ways to leverage your company culture to recruit top talent!

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