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Category: Awards and Conference (page 8 of 19)

Meet The 2016 TalentEgg Awards Panelists And Speakers

The campus recruitment industry is brimming with egg-ceptional talent!

It’s one of the biggest reasons why we host the TalentEgg National Campus Recruitment Excellence Awards and Conference every year. Not only do we get to recognize these highly skilled individuals and celebrate their accomplishments, we also get to learn from their efforts through their presentations and panel discussions.

For this year’s conference, we’re bringing together some of the brightest minds in campus recruitment to share their expertise and offer insight into the issues facing the industry today.

So, without further delay, we’re pleased to present our 2016 TalentEgg Awards panelists and speakers!

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4 Campus Recruitment Lessons We Learned From The 2015 TalentEgg Award Winners

What does it take to be a leader in campus recruitment?

Is it hard work? Dedication? Creativity? From our experience, it takes a healthy dose of all three along with a secret ingredient: inspiration.

The following TalentEgg Award recipients are egg-ceptional at campus recruitment and there is plenty to be learned from their success. Hopefully, their achievements give you the spark you’re looking for to produce your own winning recruitment campaign.

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How To Get The Most Out Of The TalentEgg Awards & Conference

The TalentEgg Campus Recruitment Excellence Awards and Conference is an exhilarating rush of presentations, conversations, and break-out sessions.

From inspirational keynotes to real-world campus recruiting insights, we’ll be covering a lot of information over the course of one day. Therefore, if you want to maximize your experience, you need to be prepared. After all, it’s not every day that you get to attend an event like this!

To ensure you’re making the most of your time, here are a few things that every TalentEgg Awards attendee should do.

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How To Break Out Of Your Campus Recruiting Comfort Zone

It happens to the best of us.

You start settling into a comfortable work routine and, before you know it, that routine becomes a rut. You’re doing the same things, day in and day out, and while you may be keeping everything afloat, you have a nagging feeling that you could be doing a lot more to take your recruiting practice to the next level.

So how do you move past a career plateau? By changing things up! There are many ways to do this – you can start small by making little adjustments to your daily workflow, or go big by starting a new company project.

Here are a few fun ways for campus recruiters to break out of their comfort zone.

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