TalentEgg Trends

Today’s Talent, Tomorrow’s Leaders

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Tag: entry level hiring (page 4 of 7)

Identifying Gen Y innovators: Recruiting top talent for engineering roles

Recruiting talent for entry-level engineering roles?

Employers across different industries depend on engineers to drive progress and push their business forward, and they are looking for extraordinary young candidates to join their workforce.

Engineering students and grads are eager young professionals with ability, ambition and passion for their discipline. For campus recruiters scouting Gen Y engineers, this presents a unique challenge: how do you identify exceptional engineering candidates in a talent pool of highly-skilled, well-qualified prospects?

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Work-life balance: How accounting firms get it right

When employer brands focus on work-life balance, they strengthen their position as an employer of choice with Gen Y job seekers.

That’s because employees who work in environments where their work and personal lives are respected are often more productive, focused and engaged than those who don’t.

Work-life balance has become a major focus for many employer brands, and is a leading factor influencing the career decisions of top Gen Y talent.

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5 ways to wrap up your student program

Across the country, co-op students and interns are finishing their work terms, one step closer to hatching meaningful careers post-graduation.

Before they hand over their projects and turn in their security badges, commemorate their success with an egg-ceptional end of term experience.

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3 Ways To Enhance The Experience Of Your Interns

Google does not hire conventional people—and that includes interns.

When it comes to internships, Google makes sure that each hire is paired with a strong, patient, and objective mentor who is passionate about seeing that intern learn and grow. Continue reading

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