TalentEgg Trends

Today’s Talent, Tomorrow’s Leaders

Knowledge Hub For Employers, Career Educators And Coaches

Tag: hire a new grad (page 3 of 3)

Major milestones at TalentEgg

You may have noticed a slowdown in updates here on the blog over the past few months. Well, it’s definitely not because we have nothing to write about – we’re just so busy doing so many things we hardly have time to sit down and write about them.

From Class to Career

TalentEgg now has its own column on GlobeCampus, The Globe and Mail’s site dedicated to undergraduate education in Canada. We usually post a new article once a week written either by Lauren, myself or one of our star contributors from the Incubator. We’ve even been featured on the globeandmail.com homepage every single week! Click here to check out From Class to Career.

The Hatch, a resource for campus recruiters by TalentEgg

In June we also launched The Hatch, which is an online resource on the “campus recruiting” industry for employers who recruit and hire students and recent grads. We update with new content three times each week, featuring industry news, trends and feedback from students and recent grads themselves.

Coming soon: Career resources for students and recent grads in BOOK form

We’re working on a downloadable e-book which will contain many of the ideas found on the Incubator, but organized in a more manageable book format. It’s still in the planning stages, but we’re aiming to publish it online in September and hopefully in hard copy format by next spring! What do you want to see in the book?

Helping sort out self-help

We were recently approached to review a book on the Incubator and it arrived in the mail today, so within the next few weeks you should see that review, hopefully the first of many, online. We know there are a ton of “How to get a job” books out there, so we want to help students and recent grads figure out which ones apply to them.

That’s just some of the exciting news and progress we’ve made over the past month or two. Stay tuned for even more amazing things from TalentEgg!

Employers and students: Not N'Sync

Yes, this is quite possibly the corniest blog title…ever…But never mind that!

A few observations on the disconnect between employers and students in Canada:

In our day-to-day dealing with employers and students, we’ve had the opportunity to pick up on a lot of trends in the entry-level recruitment market.

One that particularly stands out, and that has been coming up a lot lately is the fact that many big-brand employers do their campus recruiting in September for new-grad roles.

I’ve come to understand the reasoning behind it: Whoever’s first to campus gets the best candidates. If you wait too long, all the ‘top’ people are already recruited.

The problem is, the majority of students spend September registering for classes, gathering books, settling into their homes and social lives, joining clubs, trying out for sports teams, etc. For most, September is not the time to think about careers. Actually, scratch that. Most ‘involved’, well-rounded students are not thinking about careers in September.

So this is my conclusion:

For employers searching for students with top grades, or students who put career ahead of all other on-campus events, or students in particular programs where professors and career advisors make sure to alert students to Employers’ September time lines (i.e. accounting programs), September is probably the best time to get on campus and collect those applications.

But if you’re an employer that wants to work with students on THEIR schedules, and perhaps an employer who values extra curriculars over grades, then it might make sense to have a more balanced, full-year plan.

On top of accommodating busy students with conflicting schedules, this method has a few extra benefits:

  • It allows employers to take the time to consider additional aspects of a candidate’s potential fit,
  • It allows for more time to brand your opportunities- stand out from the rest.

Most importantly: Because Oct-Dec and Feb-April are much quieter on campus, it means there’s a chance to find the ‘hidden’ talent and to speak with that talent without all the ‘noise’ that comes with the busy September and January recruiting season.

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