Thanks to everyone who came out to the TalentEgg Summer Party at the Madison last night! I think we all had a lot of fun (maybe a little too much fun)!
Special thanks to the Incubator contributors who came out last night, Danielle Lorenz, Courtney John-Reader and Nicole Wray, and also our resident Twitter-er Ryan McColeman.
It was great to meet with and talk to some of the people who have been supporting TalentEgg since the beginning, as well as the people who volunteer their time to help us produce content for and engage students and new grads who are looking for meaningful careers. You guys make it all possible and we appreciate your support, your time and your efforts so much!
That being said, here’s a VERY small sampling of photos from the party:
Incubator contributors Danielle Lorenz and Nicole Wray
Ryan, Mike, Kalynn, Daniel and Peter
Cassandra, Ryan, Lauren and Daniel
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